1 min read
The Fiber Connection: Why Your Gut Craves Whole Foods - GutJoy
A fiber-starved gut is a grumpy gut. This simple truth lies at the heart of digestive wellness, yet it's often overlooked in our daily eating habits.
1 min read
Leena Mahtani
Feb 6, 2023 7:27:32 PM
You may not realize it, but a thriving community of microbes is inside your body! Known as the microbiome, these bacteria and other microorganisms are essential to your physical and mental health. Let’s take a closer look at some surprising facts about the microbes in your gut.
1. There are more microbes than cells in your body
Contrary to popular belief, more microbial cells are inhabiting your body than human cells! Estimates suggest that 90% of all cells in the human body belong to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea. This means that we are more microbes than humans!
2. They Play a Key Role in Your Immune System
While many people consider microbes something to be feared, these tiny organisms are essential in keeping us healthy. They help to strengthen our immune systems by priming us against potential invaders, helping to produce antibodies, and even stimulating white blood cell production. Without them, we would be much more susceptible to sickness and disease.
4. The makeup of our gut microbiome is ever-changing
Our gut microbe composition can depend on what we're eating, which medications we take, or even how active or stressed out we are. As we age, natural changes in our gut microbiome will make us more susceptible to certain types of gut ailments. Paying attention to these changes over time is essential to understand your body better and adjust for a healthier gut.
5. Diet can affect your microbiome composition
Studies have shown that diet can significantly influence the composition of bacteria in our gut. Eating certain foods (such as fermented foods) can help to boost specific beneficial bacteria populations, while eating too much processed food can lead to an imbalance between “good” and “bad” bacteria populations. Eating a healthy diet is one way you can help keep your gut flora balanced and healthy.
An incredible amount of microbes call our gut home – outnumbering human cells 10 to 1. And we have only begun to scratch the surface when understanding all they do for us. From immunity boosters to mental health regulators, these little guys play a significant role in keeping us healthy and happy. So next time you think about probiotics, remember that you’ve got a whole community inside you, just waiting to be nurtured.
1 min read
A fiber-starved gut is a grumpy gut. This simple truth lies at the heart of digestive wellness, yet it's often overlooked in our daily eating habits.
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