Leena Mahtani

3 min read

Feeding Your Feelings? Uncover the Factors Behind Emotional Eating

The relationship between our emotions and eating habits is complex and often misunderstood. Emotional eating is not simply a problem to be solved with willpower, nor is it a matter of overeating just because you're sad or stressed. In this blog...

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2 min read

Uncovering High Histamine Foods in Your Pantry and Fridge

Suppose you're among the throngs of allergy sufferers or health enthusiasts who've grappled with mysterious discomfort. In that case, "histamine" may...

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3 min read

The Inner Wilderness: Preserving Gut Health in a Processed World

The link between our gut and overall health is being explored more deeply than ever before. Our modern diets, filled with processed foods,...

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3 min read

Wellness After Supper: The Post-Dinner Ritual for Better Digestion

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, our post-dinner hours rarely get the attention they deserve. We often move from a meal directly to the next...

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3 min read

Fast Food Fosters Harmful Bacteria leading to an Unhappy Gut

In an age when convenience is king and time is the ultimate luxury, fast food has become the ubiquitous hero of our hurried lives. Yet, there's an...

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2 min read

The Power of Diaphragmatic Breathing for Calming a Sensitive Gut

Have you ever considered that breathing could hold the key to soothing a sensitive gut? As it turns out, the ancient practice of diaphragmatic...

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2 min read

Nurturing Your Gut in an Overstimulated World

Our senses are constantly bombarded with stimuli in today's fast-paced, technology-driven society. From the moment we wake up to the instant we close...

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5 min read

5 Mindfulness Techniques to Incorporate into Your Gut Healing Journey

Do you ever feel like no matter how healthy you try to eat, your gut isn't quite right? You're not alone. Millions of people struggle daily with gut...

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4 min read

Understanding Stress Eating: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

We've all been there – a tough day at work, a fight with our significant other, or just feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list. It's easy...

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3 min read

A Guide to Creating a Self-Care Routine That Also Cares for Your Gut

Okay friends, we all know it's more important than ever to take care of ourselves these days. But too often, the self-care routines we choose to...

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