1 min read

Choose More Fiber And Less Starch For Gut Health

Farmer carrying basket of veg on a sunny day

When it comes to starchy carbs – the very idea of letting go of grains like rice, pasta, bread, quinoa and Starchy vegetables like corn, beans, and potatoes can be challenging to eat. Foods that consist of processed carbs and added sugars are devoid of nutrients. Avoiding white bread, cereals, candies, and sweetened products is always a healthier choice.

Eating plenty of nutritious fruits and vegetables regularly provide us with essential vitamins, fiber and minerals that help keep inflammation in check while nourishing our immune system which then offers its protection against various chronic diseases.

Adding in healthy carbs like whole grains (brown/wild rice, millet, buckwheat, amaranth) vegetables (sweet potatoes, beetroot) fruits (oranges, blueberries, bananas) and some legumes (lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans) may lead to a more diverse gut microbiome. The prebiotic fiber (food for the bugs in your gut) in healthy carbs ferment in the large intestine and feed the beneficial gut bacteria.

3 min read

Feeding Your Feelings? Uncover the Factors Behind Emotional Eating

The relationship between our emotions and eating habits is complex and often misunderstood. Emotional eating is not simply a problem to be solved...

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1 min read

Gut-Friendly Flow: Modifying Inverted Yoga Poses for Acid Reflux - GutJoy

Yoga is a fantastic way to improve flexibility, strength, and well-being. However, for those with acid reflux or GERD, certain poses, particularly...

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The Power of Figs: A Nutrient-Packed Fruit for a Healthier You

I have always marvelled at this seemingly unassuming pear-shaped fruit with hundreds of tiny seeds. So much flavour, texture and colour. The deep...

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