1 min read

Heal your Gut. Tip #5.

woman eating salmon slices on bread in restaurantTake your time.

"It's good to take time to eat, because the time for a meal can be a very happy time. Take time to enjoy your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enjoy your meal. Stop the thinking and be there fully, body and mind." — Thich Nhat Hanh

When we eat in a rush or on the go, between meetings and while multitasking - we tend to inhale our food and do not give our system the opportunity kick-start the process of digestion. Distractions like, standing up, on the go, watching tv, having conversations or in an upset state of mind - you tend to over-eat and end up with indigestion.

Only when we eat slowly, our digestive juices, like salivary amylase will begin the breakdown carbohydrates in the mouth.

One of the most important characteristic we should try and incorporate into our approach to wellness is being seated while eating a meal with the intention of being in a relaxed manner and keeping all distractions to a minimum. We put our minds in the present moment and stay focused on the meal and the manner in which we eat - leads to better absorption and assimilation in the body.

Here is a great resource for all the reasons how you can benefit from this simple act of slowing down.

Also, please refer to "Heal Your Gut. Tip #2" for mindful eating habits that will enhance and compliment your gut healing regime.