1 min read

Healthy Fats from Hempseeds


Hemp seeds are particularly high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Most people are not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet and should consider hemp seeds as an abundant source to help fill this nutritional gap.

Technically categorized as a nut — hemp seeds are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats which help support healthy cholesterol levels and  immune system function. Their omega-3 benefits can be amplified when lightly toasted in a skillet. They have a nutty flavor and can be easily incorporated into your sweet or savory meals. You can sprinkle them on any dish if you would like a little crunchy texture to our bite. They add a nutritional punch when added to smoothies as well. They are also easier to digest as compared to some nuts and grains.

Also abundant in several minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. They are also a great source of plant-based protein as they provide all the essential amino acids (methionine and cysteine) which our bodies are unable to produce naturally and rely on food sources to fill this vital requirement. 

Hope you give this superfood a try and hope it tickles your chi, bringing you comfort in mind, body and spirit.

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