Gut and Digestive Health Blog

Mind, Body, and Spirit

2 min read

Clutter & Stress: The Connection and Why It’s Important

We all know the feeling. You sit down in the evening to finally enjoy a bit of peace. But, instead of taking a deep breath and feeling the sense of calm you were hoping for, your eyes scan the living room. Noticing piles of unorganized mail, toys...

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3 min read

Kick-Start Your Weekend with These Five Self-Care Activities

Ah, it’s finally the weekend. Time to kick back, relax, take a deep breath, and center yourself. Right? Easier said than done. Often, weekends are...

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3 min read

5 Stress Relief Tips You May Not Have Heard About

As uncomfortable as it is, stress serves an important purpose in our lives. It's there to keep us safe and enables us to respond quickly to threats...

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2 min read

Night Time Routines to Ensure You Get A Good Night's Sleep

Everyone knows that a bedtime routine is essential for children. They need time to relax and unwind, and they need consistency in their schedules to...

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3 min read

Five fun ways to bring movement into your day

It’s interesting to think about how we humans live in present-day society vs. how we lived in the past. Not that long ago, we were outside foraging...

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3 min read

Three Leisurely Morning Tips to Improve Your Wellbeing

Rise and shine! Sometimes, once waking in the morning, all we want to do is roll over and press snooze. I know I have! Starting the day and shifting...

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3 min read

How a Lack of Sleep Can Negatively Influence Your Gut Health

We’ve all experienced the frustration of the lack of a good night’s sleep. Here’s a common scenario: you go to bed at night after a long day of work....

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2 min read

How Spending Time Outdoors Can Benefit your Microbiome - GutJoy

Humans seem to know instinctively that spending time outdoors is good for us. We are naturally drawn to activities such as hiking, spending time in...

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4 min read

Five Supplements That Could Help Lower Your Stress Levels

Let's face it, we live in a busy and high-stress world. Between dropping kids off at school, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine,...

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