Gut and Digestive Health Blog

Mind, Body, and Spirit

3 min read

Gut Microbes and Their Role in Social Connectedness

Have you ever noticed that the more time you spend with your friends and family, the better you feel? It turns out there's a scientific explanation behind this phenomenon! Recent studies have highlighted how gut microbes may play an important role...

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4 min read

5 Gut-Friendly Halloween Treats That Won't Scare Your Stomach - GutJoy

Halloween is just around the corner, and while it's a night of spooky fun and costumes, it's also a night of sweet treats and sugar overload....

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6 min read

The Scary Things Lurking in Processed Foods – How to Protect Your Gut Health

Processed foods are a staple in most households, but have you ever wondered what’s in them? The food industry is full of scare tactics, from labeling...

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3 min read

5 Reasons You Should Be Eating More Fiber

Fiber is the unsung hero of our diets. It may not be the most glamorous nutrient, but it is crucial to our health and well-being. Yet, despite its...

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4 min read

Improve Your Gut Health By Spending Time Outdoors - Here's How!

The human body harbors approximately 100 trillion bacteria at any given time. These bacteria are collectively known as the microbiome and live in...

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4 min read

Natural Ways to Protect Your Gut Microbiome and Reduce PPI Reliance

Do you suffer from chronic heartburn or acid reflux? If so, you may be one of the many people who rely on proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to manage...

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5 min read

Gut Healthy Groceries - What Your Microbiome Wants You to Buy

The world of nutrition and wellness is constantly evolving. Recently, the term microbiome has been circulating in the wellness world, and it has...

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4 min read

The Link Between Travel, Circadian Rhythm, and Your Gut Microbes

Have you ever felt off-balance or unwell after traveling, even if it’s just a short trip? Or have you ever wondered why you feel sluggish or have...

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3 min read

The Connection Between Trauma, Stress & Your Gut Health

When we encounter traumatic and stressful events, our body goes into a state of emergency, triggering our fight-or-flight response. This, however,...

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3 min read

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Dark Chocolate for Your Gut Health

Love chocolate, but are worried about the health implications? Don't fret—dark chocolate just might be your gut's best friend. Studies show that dark...

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