1 min read

Signs of an Unhealthy Gut


There’s increasing evidence that gut health is important to an individual’s health. An unhealthy gut can cause problems to a person’s immunity, mental health, and mood. That’s why nutritionists are now focusing on microbiome health because of its effects on an individual’s well-being. When you look for signs of an unhealthy gut, the first thing to understand is that some problems are directly related to the gut, and some may not seem to be. 

For example, some common signs are diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, and gas. In other words, if you routinely have an upset stomach, you may have an unhealthy gut. That’s because if your gut is unhealthy, you will have problems processing food and then discharging waste. 

People with gut issues would also find it difficult to process certain types of food. This is primarily due to the poor quality of bacteria that are found in the gut. This can result in gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.

The other set of signs may not seem directly related to the gut. However, the gut creates serotonin, a hormone responsible for mood and sleep. An unhealthy gut leads to chronic fatigue and poor sleep or insomnia.

An unhealthy gut also interferes with the body’s ability to store fat, regulate blood sugar, and absorb nutrients. Without exercise or dietary changes, this could lead to weight loss or gain.

Problems in the gut can also cause skin irritation and eczema in some people. Unhealthy guts can cause certain proteins to leak out into the body.

If you have any of these signs, it’s time to take gut health seriously. With healthy eating and a regular intake of prebiotics and probiotics, you should see demonstrable changes in your microbiome health. As we now know, a healthy gut means a healthy body and an active life.