1 min read

Yoga Nidra for Gut Health


Yoga Nidra, aka “psychic sleep”, is a guided meditation lying on the back in a comfortable position to help guide you into deep conscious relaxation. You are then channeled into a peaceful sleep state while bringing awareness to your practice. This process helps send the message to your body to relax and surrender. This state of awareness also stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. It puts you in the rest and digest response by staying relaxed and focusing on the present moment - in the here and now.

Yoga Nidra, when done correctly, may provide you with the feeling of having many hours of sleep in a short amount of time. Especially powerful for people with insomnia. The longer you let yourself remain in this altered state of consciousness  — the more intense the physiological response will be felt in your body. 

Yoga Nidra helps regulate the stress response, suppressing persistent inflammation states and maintaining a healthy gut barrier function. It can promote positive change, which directly affects your gut and the trillions of microorganisms that make up your microbiome.