1 min read

Foods That May Help Seasonal Allergies


We often are quite troubled with the constant itching, congestion and sneezing caused by seasonal allergies and often resort to over-the-counter medications. 

Considering the body's allergic response is greatly impacted by pro-inflammatory foods, you may want to try to use a food-based approach which can help reduce your symptoms, by incorporating an anti-inflammatory diet

A good way to begin is by eliminating milk and milk products as the protein (casein) in cow's milk which is known to escalate mucus production and aggravate the immune system during allergy season. Since the protein in cow's milk is the constant culprit — eliminating milk from the diet usually leads to improvement in such allergic conditions.

Including quercetin (a flavonoid) rich foods is a great way to stop the release of histamine and prevent inflammation. 

Add in more fiber that keep your gut bacteria (your microbiome) in balance. Nuts, seeds and whole grains. Apples, onions, leeks. Both prebiotic and probiotic foods are very beneficial to help alleviate symptoms. Try a nourishing fiber-rich recipe that may help you along your journey and help you build more resilience to cope better with seasonal allergies.