1 min read

Sleep & Your Gut Microbiome

Beautiful brunette sleeping in her bed at home in the bedroom

Your body greatly benefits from enough sleep as it helps repair and renew your cells. However, prolonged effects of insufficient sleep have been associated with higher risk of disease and throws our circadian rhythm off balance. Your sleep-wake circadian rhythm is an internal clock that runs almost continuously between being alert and being sleepy. Our bodies have circadian clocks that function in most organs and  tissues to help modulate timing and circadian rhythms. Considering our gut bugs have a rhythm of their own - there is evidence that shows poor sleep cycles alter our microbiome and hence our gut health. Dietary preferences, lifestyle choices and stress have a significant impact on these microbiome rhythms. Inadequate sleep and disturbance to the circadian rhythm effects the rhythm and balance of the microbiome considerably.

The microbiome is also responsible for the production of GABA, Dopamine and Serotonin. All essential sleep regulating neurotransmitters. Inadequate sleep may also cause a deficiency in Melatonin - which is linked to increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome.

Gentle breathwork or a short meditation before going to bed, could help calm your nervous system and keep your gut microbiome in balance.